چالش انتخاب دیتابیس

در طراحی و پیاده سازی یک سیستم نرم افزاری، اینکه از چه دیتابیسی برای نگه داری و ذخیره داده استفاده کنیم تصمیم مهمی است. هر دو دیتابیس MySQL و PostgreSQL  در مرور زمان نشان داده اند که توانایی رقابت با دیتابیس های تجاری نظیر Oracle و SQL Server  را دارند.


MySql از جهت سرعت و راحتی در استفاده همیشه مشهور بوده و این درحالی است که PostgreSQL   برای ارائه ابزار و امکانات پیشرفته تر شهرت خوبی دارد. اغلب PostgreSQL   را نسخه متن باز Oracle  توصیف میکنند.

مقایسه ویژگی ها

هردوی این دیتابیس ها امکان نصب روی سرور های ابری وان سنتر را دارند، جدول زیر برخی از ویژگی های دو پایگاه داده PostgreSQL  و MySQL  را باهم مقایسه می کند:

PostgreSQL MySQL
Known as The world’s most advanced open source database. The world’s most popular open source database.
Development PostgreSQL is an open source project. MySQL is an open-source product.
Pronunciation post gress queue ell my ess queue ell
Licensing MIT-style license GNU General Public License
Implementation programming language C C/C++
GUI tool PgAdmin MySQL Workbench
ACID Yes Yes
Storage engine Single storage engine Multiple storage engines e.g., InnoDB and MyISAM
Full-text search Yes Yes (Limited)
Drop a temporary table No TEMP or TEMPORARY keyword in DROP TABLE statement Support the TEMP or TEMPORARY keyword in the DROP TABLE statement that allows you to remove the temporary table only.
DROP TABLE Support CASCADE option to drop table’s dependent objects e.g., tables and views. Does not support CASCADE option.
 TRUNCATE TABLE PostgreSQL TRUNCATE TABLE supports more features like CASCADE, RESTART IDENTITY, CONTINUE IDENTITY, transaction-safe, etc. MySQL TRUNCATE TABLE does not support CASCADE and transaction safe i.e,. once data is deleted, it cannot be rolled back.
Auto increment Column  SERIAL  AUTO_INCREMENT
Identity Column Yes No
Analytic functions Yes No
Data types Support many advanced types such as array, hstore, and user-defined type. SQL-standard types
Unsigned integer No Yes
Boolean type Yes Use TINYINT(1) internally for Boolean
IP address data type Yes No
Set default value for a column Support both constant and function call Must be a constant or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for TIMESTAMP or DATETIME columns
CTE Yes Yes (Supported CTE since MySQL 8.0)
 EXPLAIN output More detailed Less detailed
Materialized views Yes No
CHECK constraint Yes Yes (Supported since MySQL 8.0.16, Before that MySQL just ignored the CHECK constraint)
Table inheritance Yes No
Programming languages for stored procedures Ruby, Perl, Python, TCL, PL/pgSQL, SQL, JavaScript, etc. SQL:2003 syntax for stored procedures
Partial indexes Yes No
Bitmap indexes Yes No
Expression indexes Yes No
Covering indexes Yes (since version 9.2) Yes. MySQL supports covering indexes that allow data to be retrieved by scanning the index alone without touching the table data. This is advantageous in case of large tables with millions of rows.
Triggers Support triggers that can fire on most types of command, except for ones affecting the database globally e.g., roles and tablespaces. Limited to some commands
Partitioning RANGE, LIST RANGE, LIST, HASH, KEY, and composite partitioning using a combination of RANGE or LIST with HASH or KEY subpartitions
Task Schedule pgAgent Scheduled event
Connection Scalability Each new connection is an OS process Each new connection is an OS thread


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